Currently on the PC version of the game... I have pressed every button on my keyboard and came to this conclusion.

WASD and NUMPAD 8,4,6,2 will move your character. Spacebar is your auto attack, and 1-4 are your skills. I absoluteley LOVE using WASD to move since it's the normal thing in mmo's on PC. but it's not possible to use WASD and press 1-4 for your skills at the same time. This makes me have to play like a weirdo with my right hand pressing 1-4 while my left presses WASD. can you PLEASE make J K L ; also skills 1-4?????? Or at least allow us to rebind our keys so I can make new binds for skills 1-4... if that can happen this game will become THAT MUCH BETTER. I already love it for PC and mobile which I play on both, but I would really apprecaite if you could take this small fix into consideration!