It is obvious that the attributes are currently a bit out of whack. All one has to do to see this is look at how characters are built. A warrior will put just enough points in Str to equip their gear and then the rest in Dex. A mage will put just enough points in Int to equip their gear, and then the rest in Dex. An archer will put everything in Dex. Why? Because currently Dex provides far more bang for your attribute point buck than either Str or Int. Dex is overpowered, and this needs to be changed. Character building is not fun or challenging, it is merely a matter of knowing how much of your primary attribute you need for gear and then maxing Dex. I recently suggested having Str contribute more and Dex contribute less to base damage, but the thread has likely already been forgotten ( ). I have here 2 new ideas for your consideration.

1. Have all 3 attributes contribute equally to damage
Ultimately it would be better in my opinion if Str provided the most base damage, Dex gave a boost to weapons speed, and Int determined the power of skills, but this is complicated and I am not going to get my hopes up. Having all three attributes raise base damage by the same amount is a decent compromise I think. If someone is raising Str you can assume they are using a sword or axe, etc and it makes sense that Str would raise their damage. If someone is raising Dex, they will be using a bow or the like, and it makes sense that Dex would raise their damage. If someone is raising Int, then they will be using a magic weapon and it makes sense that Int would increase their damage. So maybe all 3 attributes should raise base damage by the same amount.

2. Dramatically increase the rate at which H/s is gained from Str and M/s is gained from Int
Currently the amount of regen gained from attributes is so minimal as to be almost laughable. A mage who spends 200 attribute points in Int will only have 4 piddly M/s to show for it. I think this number should be 2 to 3 times as high. And the same should go for raising Str and gaining H/s. Under the current system, it would take a level 50 or so mage spending every single point in Int to naturally get just the 6 M/s provided by a single piece of Thoth gear. This is way out of whack in my opinion. A mage with 200 points in Int should have 10-12 or so natural M/s, and a warrior with 200 Str should have 10-12 or so natural H/s. This would make what are currently the lesser attributes more attractive and add complexity to character building and might actually lead to a situation where everyone does not have the exact same stat build (which would be a nice change ).

What do people think?