Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
For fun? Since its a game after all?

Still, agree with you about what's the point of it to some extent. For a fair analogy, I don't really see the purpose of the watchers feature too other than it being fun and adds some colors to the social feature, but well guess what?

They did it anyway.

To answer your questions:
1. Mic is a feature of the game not what this game is all about. This game doesn't need to become the next Facebook or WhatsApp or tiktok or Weechat or Discord. Those are specialised industry in the social media realm.

So far the games I played some have the chat/video chat function some don't. To give an actual example, in games like marvel super war/mobile legends etc, they have their own in-game mic I have myself used them and have also used discord voice chat before. It just applies to whichever is more convenient. As not everyone who plays AL has a 3rd party app installed like discord or is even aware of its existence.

2. Talking about preferences. Are you sure the majority prefers discord? Do you mean those who already know that it even exists in the first place? People who don't know such 3rd party apps exists would never have access to this voice feature let alone have a preference to choose from.

Not just that, there are people like myself who would prefer selling stuff in game through the in-game chat system instead of going to forum chat. Tbh, I didn't even knew arcane legends forum existed after playing for a few years (which I believe many still don't know it exists too) until I stumbled upon it in 2020 and it took me a while to create the account as I was mainly just reading forum without feeling the need to post anything. So Same thing here to voice chat, people may prefer in game voice versus a 3rd party app voice chat which god knows how to use/let alone creating an account for, when they are just here to play the game.

3. In my personal experience with in game voice chat, I had never encountered any delay issues before, it works well in marvel super war almost every time. Plus I won't think its a very difficult feature to add to a game just like the watchers feature.
There are things al doesn't need and a voice chat is one of them. U would like to sell ur stuff in a voice chat in pve maps? Gl with that. Most of the players, including me, would just mute that because it's hella annoying. So the few people who actually want that can use a 3rd party app. And since you already know discord you can just ask ur friends who u wanna talk to that don't know discord, to download it.