Oh wow how did I miss this thread lol!

I'm not a technical person...

I grew up enjoying video games and still to this day enjoy a good button mash and probably will do so for a long time.

If the game is simple enough, looks good, and is easy to get started with then ill give it a go tho once i get started on a game I usually end up going all out because like in real life, I like to do well and having others around me do well is also a good reflection of that.

This game tho... from day 1 and still do this day, the community/communication aspect for me is the number 1 driver that has me staying logged in all these years.

I've even tried to quit, once doing it as properly and officially as I could... but you know some of the friends that have been made and met over this platform... well its become addictive like crack (using the best addictive analogy i can think of lol im no crack head <,<)

When I first started there were all sorts of people in this games environment, and thankfully there were a handful of extremely nice people I was blessed to come across and meet who have helped, and that feeling you get when someone can do that well why wouldn't you pass that on?

As someone said in a post before, if you rate the community low then you're clearly hanging around the wrong people.

I couldn't agree more!

People's greed gets the better of them and morals get thrown out the window and end up hurting others around them and it becomes a repeat cycle.

A fantastic quote by Bob Marley:

“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”

If people focused on what games are about more, and that's having fun instead. You would see a lot more positive replies to this post.

Was a time devs were a lot more involved with the community as well, however toxicity in many forms was also, unfortunately, was thriving which ended up cutting the closer relationships between the developers and players.
It mostly died out thankfully, some of it still lingers... tho they might try hide it with different masks so to speak, its not as prevalent as it used to be, and environments where people are having fun and enjoying themselves are growing and getting more attention day in and day out.

In response to that, we are seeing more interaction and healthier relations between the developers/mods and the players which is fantastic!

Another great quote thats good food for thought...

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

So the less you concern yourselves with what others are doing and focus more on doing what you enjoy, you can never go wrong and not only you but others around you will benefit in general from it all if all doing the same thing !

10/10 for the community because every day something interesting happens or someone to help or story you hear, it never fails to impress and has made me go through every emotion possible!

Final and my all-time favorite quote ill leave you all with...

"Some people feel the rain, some just get wet."

1 <3