
This is very unnecessary, may cause inflation, but I might as well share. Just share some thoughts, don't take this seriously.... Not a matter of +1 or - 1, just wanna hear your thoughts.

Was thinking how closely AL resembles real life in some aspects. Farmers = Workers, Merchant = Entrepreneurs, Hoarders = Investors/Stock Brokers

How people take a loan from bank, players may be able to take loan from the system.

Debt system: Players can take debt from the game....

Players will have to earn Trust Points.

1) By capping.
2) Having high PvE scores.
3) Having an old account.
4) Having purchased plats with irl money
5) Daily Log in
6) Running maps frequently
7) Chat time.
8) Being favorited by other players in their friend list.
9) Having Arcane Gears (Unequipping will lower the trust points)

Basically anything that allows the system to determine whether the player values their account

The more trust point you have, the more gold you can borrow: 5m/10m/15m

4 weeks time to pay back the gold, after which your account goes in red zone.

All items received by the player will be held by the system including gold.

After 8 weeks, the account will be perma-banned....


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