ive been looking through lots of threads that are solely about this level of pvp, im not looking for any flaming but please just read if you twink at this lvl

ive had a char at this lvl for just over a year now and i have to say pvp has taken a huge turn not for the worse but its not really good either. at this lvl there has been a huge increase in players in pvp and they all act like theyve been there for their life, they talk trash like theyre some sort of pro who can own a whole team on their own and push lvl 30's around like they are nothing.

in my time at this lvl of pvp ive come to know lots of people, i reckon if i asked all the people in pvp now, they wouldnt have a clue who some of the best were a year ago, Eotactic, galacticmage, magioscura (summin like that) and mageness, maybe 3-4 people would know who they all are...

what my point is that new players act like theyve been round for ages and i dont like it, people all know blitz and shelby to be two of the best voodoos, truth is at one point some of the mages i named there used to be the best and were amazing in their time.

me and blitz always used to fight just for fun and it was great practice for both of us but now you cant get a kill 1-1 without someone shouting an excuse straight after, we would get lag or summin but we just say 'gf', get up and fight again. now there are no games where there is a constant stream of fights, everyone is talking and i think this isnt how pvp should be played...

sorry for the rant but ive got serious concerns with the well being of my home in pl and have even considered quitting, i really hate to see it get destroyed but ive already and in the past months, ive already made enemies to these people im talking about because ive had a problem with their attitude. like i said before sorry for the rant but these are mu concernes

