Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
Agree with some of the points here too. ​

Hoarding = legal
(Regardless of whether it causes price rise)
Giving fake offer = illegal
(Doesn't matter if price rise or fall, a fake offer is a fake offer)

Some may not like hoarders, but guess what it is not against the rule to hoard any type of items in game. No need to exclude yourself from the hoarders group by saying ohh I only hoard keys/gems/etc. If you hoard, you are a hoarder. Simple. Just because you aren't rich enough to hoard expensive vanity like the 1% does doesn't make you a non-hoarder. To a player poorer than you who can't even hoard normal gem, to them, using some of your logic here, is "manipulating the prices".

Bottom line, do what's legal & don't go against tos.

Anything else beyond is just ethics as a gamer which is itself highly subjective.
Ok, this is scary to me but I actually agree with you on this post. here goes my latest forum book. Get comfortable for the read.

Hoarding is the persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions causing severe anxiety. Its a medical condition.

Collector is a person who collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby. Its a hobby.

What people are being accused of here is manipulating for person gain and for the destruction of others ability to do the same. A manipulator.

Every single game that i know of is played like that for the most part. even board games.

I personally like the socializing part of the game and being kind to others, but alot of people just play the game to win at all cost. its just a strategy. Its only a game to them.

We all play the exact same way in every other part of the game and never give it a second thought. We try to dominate the arena, pvp, events, maps, we buy gear that we know that alot of people cant afford, and we do it all in the name of being the best.

So why is it so wrong if a player chooses another route of playing? Attempting to in some way control the market. Its their way of slowing down the people dominating in every other part of the game.

Not my way of playing
But its theirs.

If STS saw a problem with this they would have stopped it years ago. So until they do, all that can happen is complaining about it with the hopes that the manipulation is being
revealed so that people dont fall victim to it.

But.... Its No big secret.. everyone already knows about it and if you play the game more than once a week you know who does it. So what is being accomplished here? Convincing STS its bad? They have listened to this complaint for years and years. They dont see a problem to fix.

i know perseverance is key to getting things changed if you want change but until its against the rules its just being hypercritical of a playing style.