Quote Originally Posted by Slyphid View Post
I really love all of your suggestions at the end, except, perhaps, changing DOT range to 15m. Across all games, the highest range has always been 12m, and it's something people have adjusted to. Engineers could potentially drain operatives of 50-75% of their health (if your last suggested was being factored) without even being damaged at all. Other than that, I love your suggestions, especially the first.
Thank you! Your compliments mean a lot. I have read in a post somewhere that STS Devs continually receive smack about engineer pvps but are never presented discreet solutions and I hope to contribute some to them if they read this post. I see your point on the range problem but the difference can be very slight, say 12.5 or 13 meters because in reality one lurch from an op could most likely means and engis demise.

Another suggestion that I forgot to present:

~Either have pain or suppression stop players from serving damage. Now this would seriously balance things up. The only downside is that the annoyance factor caused by running/kiting will not go away.

Quote Originally Posted by akfury
do what you have to win trans is not cheap,

best of luck with engineer pvp i retired my eng from pvp planning to get back into it on next update
I understand your point on doing what you have to win at the moment because of the severe imbalance between pvp classes and for the time being I partially agree which is why I opened up the debate to the community. Like you I hope in the following update a fortified engi pvp structure is built and I don't have to feel immoral in a way. Of course, conflict resolution is always a temporary solution.