Okay, okay, you added a hotkey to use health and mana potions on Chrome .. To be honors, you didn't place them very well .. Just saying. When you are doing runs, you need to be able to hit your health and mana potions fast. That's why it didn't work out with no hotkeys for them, but placing them in the other end of the keyboard? Not nice;(

In order to fix this I'd suggest to put these hotkeys as "E" and "R" and move the keybindings you got on "R" and "E". Or place the keybindings for potions as "R" and "F". Then only move the keybinding for "R".

I only suggest this because it ain't making a change that you place them in the other end of the keyboard. If anyone tried Chrome you know you'll place one hand on the "WASD" keys since they move your character and one hand one the mouse. And while doing runs you don't leave your hands from their positions but you are still in need of using potions. Which would be ideal placed at either "E" and "R" or "R" and "F" .. Maybe "E" and "F" could work too .. It's all about the comfort when playing .. :-)