Quote Originally Posted by Avaree View Post
I duo or solo 90% of the time, for those thinking rog myth 81 weaps are trash, that’s ok. I usually don’t have an issue with either weap producing a proc. I can’t say I favor one over the other. I like them both equally. As far as dug daggers being more powerful, I disagree. If I was on a budget I’d buy the myth daggers.

I will say mage staff is overly OP on proc and proc rate . Sorry mage buddies. The myth 81 proc should be looked at. It’s too OP. With mage lvl81 myth staff in party, I don’t have to even attack xD. They nuke all .

Forgot to mention I use 4/4 myth.
Mage's job is to clear mobs, while I agree they don't need armor and health buff if the tanks are able to aggro mobs and bosses.

Rogs specialty is single target damage, they need to buff bow to heavily outclass other mythic weapons in term of single target damage.

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