(Guide 1 Series)

Hey guys, thought I'd give you a helpful guide to help you all improve your Infected game play. Here goes:

(INTRO: Start paying attention to perches and jump spots that are difficult to get to on all of the various maps. An ideal one provides you with near invulnerability provided you aren't comatose during the match. And even then...)

1) When game starts, HUSTLE to the best jump spot that map has to offer. If the map is Lockdown, consider rage quitting and joining a new game, as that map has very little to offer in terms of near invincibility.

2) If you're unfortunate enough to be the 1st infected, rage quit IMMEDIATELY and join a new game.

3) Once established on your perch, stand on the ledge to block others who are also trying to jump up. This makes them more likely to die and provides more Infected to plow through until you get your hard-earned MOAB.

4) Camp and pick off Infecteds. Early on, it's a good idea to leave your perch (never more than is absolutely necessary, though!) to replenish ammo--now that you have Scavenger AND SoH built in you'll fine you go through it rather quickly.

5) Continue plowing through players until you get your MOAB.

6) Should you die at ANY point during the match, make sure you rage quit immediately and find a new game.

7) At the end of the game, after you've launched multiple MOABs from the top of the ladder on Dome, for example, be sure to brag to the entire lobby. You earned that killstreak the hard way, after all.

Now go get 'em!