Hello my fellow spacetime players,
Today I would like to introduce you to this app that allows you to make some money for iTunes gift cards or other gift cards.

First off I'm not sure if this app works with androids but works with IOS users. Maybe one of you find android users could test that for me

The App is called "App Trailers" it's a free app in the app store. You download then enter the app, you first make an account. Then go to the main screen, a quick 50 points is to enter the username who invited you (If you want ask your friends, additionally I'll list my username at the bottom) you normally get 1-3 Cents for watching a trailer and 40-1.50 for completing an offer with personal information.

My username is: startingout

I started today yesterday and made 3 bucks I also tested the app on a $1 gift card and it worked!
Go try it :$