
Why, who is Impulse you might ask?

Well let me explain. Impulse is a third tier PvE and PvP Guild. We're not very well known, BUT we can change that! We accept any level if you are interested in joining. Remember this. Every guild starts small.

How do I join?
There are only a few requirements for joining. The most important requiremnt is that you must have some playing expirience of course. You must also be an active player. Not the type of player thats on for a day and doesnt get back on for another week or so. The most simple requirement of all is that you Must follow guild rules and be respectful of the pocket legends community.

Whats the GUILD RULES?
OMG there are rules!??? SO BOORRRINGGGG. <<<<<WROONGG!!!! Every guild has some sort of rules. Without guild rules it would be chaos. Heres our guild rules. You must respect your guild mates or otherwise you will be booted. No begging for money or help. I dont mind if you ask for help once in a while but DO NOT spam guild chat asking for help reapeatedly. If a member rejects your request for help. Don't get upset, it could simply mean that they just came from farming, they are busy, they just came from helping a friend, there about to leave or just dont have the desire to be bothered at the moment. Please do not go into a level 10 or lower recruiting frenzy. I've had this happen to many times. The player you are recruiting may not have playing expirience. I am not against recruiting low level but dont go to forest haven recruit a hoard of them at one time.

Can I be an officer?
Requirements for officer is to be level 50+ and two other officer must vote you in. BUT. Even if the officers vote you in you must be approve by me.
In order for me to make more iffciers the guild has to expand. WHY?. No one would ever want to be in a guild with all officers or half officers.
