Quote Originally Posted by Nocturnus View Post
You should change your name to "misunderstand", you ignored my whole argument to say that I don't want to see other people's work when I actually do, I don't know what the point of that was anyway.
On the contrary, I clearly said that it is not hard to get to plat tier, and of course I value the work of those who got a badge in LB in the past and it was also one of my goals.
Goal that was distorted, since having a badge apparently lost its meaning, becoming a vanity or title of the bunch.
Also for your information, if I use the hide badges or title option, I also hide my own badge and title. With which I don't know what you want to imply.
It doesn't seem like you are been to a city or map currently though, saturated with auras, things flying or crawling, colored titles, and now badges.
I also read what Cinco said about the variety and the tier prizes. And now seems innovative to give badges to everyone, because it is something that most never had and that was a goal for many, which is also why this idea is popular, but in a few months when it is saturated with badges, it will lose its value quickly, and people will complain again that the awards are useless, as happened with the titles or banners, at this point I think nothing has been learned.

Ps: Having said that, I will refrain from answering you again, it seems that you always try to insinuate or misunderstand things, on purpose, perhaps, I do not know your objective. Previously, i tried to be clear and I think I succeeded, making my points.
What l find confusing (and contradicting) after reading a few times now would be your second paragraph where you talked about:
1. The unnecessaryness of badges and
2. The hindrance of these stuff all together in our playing screen on top of the shiny stuff like Auras we already have.

If I'm understanding correctly this time, you mean to say the only purpose for these common badges are to create hindrance to the game and nothing else useful. Sts could have given other kinds of rewards that is actually more useful like you have suggested, a rare badge drop instead. (Initially I took this as perhaps you don't want badges as a whole to lose its value of uniqueness and indication of a different kind of hardwork while at the same time you don't want to be annoyed by the flood of these visuals, so I was offering a common ground perspective to address that-you may reread that too, we both misunderstood or at least the message didn't get conveyed as intended :/)

Well if that's the case I would argue it can mean a lot to the majority of players (who by and large likely do not have the gold to do LB) to be able to get a badge, not everyone is chasing after uniqueness, they could just want to look cool, even if it means many others are also wearing it. A common item doesn't mean it won't feel nice to wear and show in town. Yes of course, to the select few who are fighting to get the LB badges, you guys likely want a different thing like you have mentioned, you want the badge to represent something that's not just another vanity but something that stands out. Now with so many common badges laying around there's nothing extra that "stands out" about any players except the varieties so rendering the point to do LB badge a little less.

Here I suppose we both agree that hindrance part is not a big concern, as you have already suggested, many are already doing what they can, that is to disable the badges.

What I don't get is:
-What's wrong with having badges now officially be just another vanity/aura to wear?
-Your hardwork, skills etc would still be known by the specific badge you are wearing, I don't see how they can't co-exist? Like some others have mentioned earlier, Franks sets, medusa, ghost, golem, ice spirit sets won't lose its uniqueness just because of a few recolors version like lucky golem or lucky Jack set.

What I don't understand is why do you insist for badge to be the main distinguisher here? Even if you guys really insist for whatever reasons, why not instead ask sts to make a new category for outlooks that would make players stand out once again just like badges once did?

This is why I don't see what big problem there is actually to shout about. (and hence justifies why I had to link a possible reason for that is maybe you wanted both that was talked above in the second paragraph of this comment here in parenthesis)

P.S. Too :P nah not trying to make fun of you or anything. My intention has always been to seek common grounds in the midst of disputes/disagreements, I may have succeeded in some occasions and failed in another, but it is what it is. Feel free to correct me if I misunderstood anything but if you wish to rest the case it's up to you too (: