Hi everyone, I guess I'll start off by telling you that I am in fact quitting all things STS for a while. I have had my fun playing with you guys it has been a blast, but I wanna start focusing on myself irl more and make some changes. I am not going to rant about the combonation of reasons I feel like saying goodbye. I've just run out of reasons to stay here. Everyone who has strived to help make this a better place I hold dear to my heart, and I will truly miss you all. Special thanks to the Sparkling Pwnies for always being there, and everyone who has helped me along my way. Good luck to each and every one of you guys, I may or may not be here for future updates, but I will try and fill you in on what I am doing from time to time. IMO, this place deserves better in-game and out.

Goodbye for now!

P.S. I am gonna come in-game and say goodbye over the next day or so. Don't ask me for anything, because I am not giving anything lol. I have seen countless people "quit" only to come back to an empty account regretting it later.