Was talking with Kelly and Bless yesterday.
I shared some comments about why bears are pretty OP this cap.

- This cap maintains Bear's high dodge and armor.
Dodge and armor is still pretty annoying, but we had that during Fang cap and bears were not insanely OP then.

- This cap Bears have pretty high hit rate.
I think Saycred's bear has 116% hit rate.
Bears should have never had over 100% hit rate in PvP.

- Bears have VERY increased damage this cap.
I've seen bears do over 400+ crits to Wand Mages.
I think Waldo's bear did a 410 crit with Beckon.

It seems like Beckon, Stomp, Debuff, Stun and it's over for mages.
Reason of why Bears are more OP now is that Repulse and Firestorm are almost always dodged by bears.
Birds and Bears no longer have the potential to kite.

I know Mage has been pretty OP the last few caps, but at least we haven't been able to walk around a whole PvP map tanking hits.