I found that if you accidentally press the tab key while playing PL on Chrome all keys stop responding. You can still click things with the mouse, but every key on the keyboard is ignored. I tried this a few times and found that it happens every time. My OS is Windows 7 in case that's relevant.

I also notice that there's still the problem on Chrome that pressing the space bar activates nearby "touchable" items, such as vinnie the vendor and signs in the environment. This is a problem because that key is also used to attack. So if you try to attack a mob while standing too close to a sign, for example, you get the giant screen-covering dialog with the sign's contents right as you're trying to fight. It is super annoying.

Both of these Chrome issues are easy to reproduce so it should be very easy to fix and they have significant impact on the playability of PL on Chrome, so they really need to be addressed.