Agreed, but kindly check also in pvp.
>Me and jigoku tested the dark binding skill,he got 1659 health and 160+ defense. Got killed by charged dark binding alone.
Is it a glitch or not? if not,then dark legends leads us to one build only.
> Some will know what i mean. Because the importance of that skills,the lower skills can be disregarded.IMO.
> I tried with 200 plus defense and 1.4 health. Still no use with the damaging dark binding ALONE.(charged)
> due to this,IMO, PVP is totally RUINED. it maybe too early to say for now, but it is. SPAM skill for the win;-)
>Blessing for the win. Other skills are useless since all are directed to get the unholy blessing.
> Hope u check on this. Thanks!