Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
Why exactly? We should not bring back event/quest items from old campaigns. It achieves nothing but alienating a divided community while also tanking the prices for those rare items, which will eventually become worthless since they serve no purpose in either PvE or PvP.

ESB is currently 21 less damage than Phantom crossbow, which makes the situation even worse once you consider the fact that Phantom set is low tier trash in the current meta. EWT is far weaker than Sea Devil and Sharp staff so releasing this item again serves no purpose. Even if we make the argument that the proc is very usefull for its bonus armor, it still doesn't matter since you will not be using it to PvP with as your main item. Dont even get me started on Marlin. Beastly Longsword has always been superior than it and thats a whole troll item that you would use just for fun.

Instead how about StS make a permanent dungeon in blacksmoke that has a new elite 1H item selection, balanced around the other 71 items so it's not oppressive like QTRs and Haunted gear. This is a better solution as it brings more content and activity to both PvP and PvE in the blacksmoke region. Elite Humania weapons and 71 Quest weapons can stay as a flex item that people can showoff with, or work their way towards buying later down the lines.

A gauntlet would bea great alternative, with a requirement that you must be 71 to enter and loot these items. Higher rounds have better chances to loot, and since its a 71 exclusive zone it'll be much more of a grind instead of being a 115, one shotting everything. Thats my 2 cents.
Agreed, bringing back items like this serves no purpose.
And before someone tries to say something no I don't own any of these.