Quote Originally Posted by Neutrone View Post
No issues with difficulty of event (I use Zaarus set and have no problems running with other Zaarus users).

My only issue is filling slots for randoms. It takes a while.

Maybe in future events like this and gauntlet, have 3 entry options:

- Solo
- Randoms
- Leaderboard

LB runs would need 1 member of each class and would count towards LB.
Randoms will give put you with random classes (as its always been for other events). Will not count towards LB
And solo is self explanatory. Will count towards solo LB
I hope that wave type events in the future will be released this way. It’s taking long to even start the waves because we still need to wait for a specific class to enter the zone. Even forming a party is difficult because everyone knows the population of classes in AL is not distributed evenly. It’s not like everyone has a long list of friends with all the classes present and are always active.

So what do I do? I end up just playing duo with whoever is available at that moment because if we unlock the zone, it will take forever to wait for whatever class is still missing in our party. It takes longer to get tokens and it takes a lot of tokens to buy anything from the vendor.

I don’t think I have even made forty runs in this event. It feels almost discouraging. Nerfing gold farm maps will not make more people play the event maps. Making the event maps “actually” playable for everyone will work better.