Mage Items sold.

Buy list:
Buying up to 500 Elite awake 200k each or send me your lowest price + amount of gems
Buy cryostar essence 20k each
Buy all cryostar common weapons 3k each (if you don't need them / deleting them)
Buying raw and upgraded materials (CHEAP) buying only if you offer low price (all materials from Vardan valley farm) again don'y rly need them, but if cheap buying all
Looking for 2 full bad awake AVARICE sets (Rog and Mage)
Buying 30 luck elixirs 40k-50k each (need a lot)

Sell list:

Warrior items:
Eating Machine set 3/3, each item has 1 awake slot. lvl 20 weapon Aiges, and lvl 22 armor + helmet
Zaa Armor 18%MS 8%Boss damage
Swap Thing's Band of Force 18%MS

Other items on sale:
Taa'Nyn badge
14k Red eggs (sell all together for a slightly higher price for those who plan to wait and hold them until prices go up)
14k Orc Fang (sell all together for a slightly higher price for those who plan to wait and hold them until prices go up)
175x 12h speed up kits (sell all together for a slightly higher price for those who plan to wait and hold them until prices go up)

Leave your offers here, pm or send in game email. In game name: Aradiasacab