Quote Originally Posted by Susanne View Post
I really did think we had turned the corner when you, Cinco, replied to us. I can't stand to see what is happening to your loyal and "valued" customers. By the way, Spacetime Studios are the ones who did coin that phrase, "valued".
Well we're not being treated as valued now are we?
Still we remained faithful to the game, despite everything you have thrown at us in just a few weeks but the tide is turning now.
Still wondering when Phase 2 will eventually arrive, you sent it by pigeon post? I'm not going to go into all the bad stuff because it's all been said on most of the feedbacks.
The main mistake is the slots update in my opinion. There are others but why you chose to fix something that wasn't even broken is beyond me.
The game was ok, yes, inflation was high but why punish new players and hardcore? Everything bad seems to be aimed at free to play and new players.
If you think that everyone will now pay to play you are sadly mistaken. That won't happen and in some cases is impossible to happen.
I'm not a new player and never play on my hardcore and do have the kraken, so there is only one reason I'm posting this..sheer altruism. I can't stand to see the disappointment ingame. Please come ingame with nothing, start from scratch and see for yourself. I can't gift people with stuff because they don't have enough inventory, stash or auction slots to accept, play and sell stuff. I can't be expected to purchase inventory slots for new players and my friends now. I did used to purchase orc sacks and gift those so that they could get further into the game but that's a lot different from paying millions.
This game has changed and evolved and you did that. Now you are taking away all that you gave. As for rahab, making it really difficult would have been ok if players had anything else to do. There's..nothing..to..do.
Please reconsider some of the things you have changed, I'm not being angry, just disheartened and more..hurt that I trusted the developers and believed in the 2023 letter to the community. Soon there will be no community. This game has been an escape from the stress of everyday life for many people. That was also another promise made five years ago by STS.
I have to sign off, my joints ache with all the begging on bended knees for you to reconsider. I'll doff my newspaper cap to you and say cheerio for now.
Bump this.

She pretty much said everything, this game is done. The beginning of the end part was that damn store changes with the purchasable slots from tokens vendors.

You can have your Catacombs or whatever comes next week. I'm done with this game, all my guildies already left the game for good weeks ago after the store update.