Heya, I hope this is the right section for it.
I don't know why, but i guess there is something wrong either with my WiFi settings or with my smartphone.
When I am at home and play SL via WiFi, my ping goes up and down like a jumprope. Ping ~ 300, I shoot, all freeze, my ping goes +1000, wait, wait, wait, ping again ~300 I shoot, freeze, ping +1000, wait, wait, wait, ping ~300, action, etc...
But when I play with my tablet, everything is fine. Constant ping, no laggs, the world is ok (when I turn off the wifi setting on my phone, I can also play without laggs, but why shall I play via 3G when I got wifi at home? :/ ).

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is something not right with the wifi settings of my phone or my router?
I am thankful for any help.
greetings 2L8