Quote Originally Posted by Skeleton Mike View Post
wrong! I have one that gets me to x4 but I rather use something slower so I don't leave behind the people without speed sets that also play the event.
And listen here simpleton, complaining or suggesting something is not "crying", why don't you go learn new words instead.

I'm specifically talking about the current event but it also applies to general maps, they are idiots because they go specifically to RANDOM runs to kill the MINIBOSSES! and then leave! why in the world you people don't understand that?
People that defend that behavior are most probably of their same kind. Even more stupid than that, they are telling me that I who goes to random for some casual gameplay should be the one to get in a party or go solo, that's some bottom tier IQ
I never encountered the same issue ur experiencing sir, i recommend this options instead of complaining and swearing. 1 try to find a decent party in windmoore before going event. 2 join a guild and ask in guildchat if anyone wanna go run event, im pretty some players would join. 3 once u go to a random multi and see some player plays the way u like u may add them and make a party.

This problem is so little to argue with. Dont make it big bud, happy gaming

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