Quote Originally Posted by imfeared View Post
So split a player base up per map based on speed? You realize connections will then begin to get worse for some due to searching for a now more limited amount of players in your desired speed range? Then report players for being "efficient" in the way they run a map because in some eyes it is too fast? Slow players can ruin fast players experience. This whole who has the right speed is all subjective.

I will say that what you said on the 2nd part is more feasible. For instance lines in the map have to be crossed by all players to spawn a mini or chest or whatever.

In the end though it seems easier to just run with a party/join a guild and find players more your "level" so all these maps wouldn't need reworked
You could then friend these players and run with them in future events/maps
Not starting drama or fighting just in my opinion seems the most efficient way to solve this issue

Have fun out there ,)
The player base wouldn't split up, the "make a party to solve things" excuse can also apply for those that don't want to do random.
And in all honestly I don't care if my suggestion doesn't pass up, but to see almost everyone in here say that it isn't a problem is absolutely BS.

Movement Speed not having a hard cap is just awful for the casual player experience and imo completely unnecessary since nothing in the game requires such high speed.
it keeps getting worse as more and more items have fixed MS on them, on top of set bonus MS, then Awake MS and then whatever new extra item slot developers release in the future.
Is spiraling out of control and the proof of that can be seen in this event, you will have people activate their kraken procs and then rush kill absolutely everything without looking back at the other people also trying to play the event.

To say "play solo" or "make a party" is to ignore the problem.