Really like the idea but I don't think these are good daily rewards at all ... Credits are low af (And bring inflation if you increase amount to something that's reasonable)

Plat reward is meh.. Nice but who cares to checkin for so many days just for that (Other than complete F2P), and I don't think devs want to see it either, it's even less people spending when the game is on it's last legs :P

Instead they should be giving away free elixirs like daily blessing in pocket legends -but with the ability to upgrade elix to at least 2.5X multiplier's after u kill enough mobs ( 2/3k mobs sounds like a reasonable ammount for endgame, definitely scale it down for lower lvls )

There needs to be a way for upgrading elixir otherwise this becomes counter productive - Instead of promoting active play, you pull a bad elixir like 1.5x combo and don't wanna play no more... ( This is what happens in PL, and many don't even take it cuz of this )

2.5x sounds reasonable to equalize the gap between 5x combo's and 1.5x combo, making you feel like you can still play the game ( Beats buying 2x elix from guild hall every 5min... It breaks the flow of farming and I have so many parties disband because of this elix )
