I personally like the way of using gear procs then switch gear for higher damage etc that brings game more strategy in terms of gameplay but...

That requires a pretty well balancing around them and this is where STS failed at it.

So let's talk about kraken sword/gun/bow those 3 weapons got a 75% armor reduce on proc I mean what? And they been designing bosses based on that gear+dps combo which means you need that certain gear to achieve something in the game. There is no other alternatives but aren't new players supposed to be able to farm something without needing that OP gear (cause as you know you literally need a lot gold for that kind of gear) or help to make progress in game?

New players can't do anything when they are at like fester due to lack of gear then when they are finally at 71 there is a xp quest shows up to kill elite bosses? They can't even kill the normal mobs in fester so how come we got here lol.

Long story short starting from festerfang gameplay must be redesigned for new players with new gear and stuff and as second these overloaded procs should stop it doesn't bring a better gameplay at all.