Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
It's true - the class overlap is rather universal.

A new Class that's meant to capture a distinct (yet comparable) power fantasy is not in the cards.

Pocket Legends' Rhino and Vixen had limited success because they got some new code support for abilities ('gap closer' stuff mostly) but they always felt like outliers to the Bear, Bird and Enchantress. I don't think I would ever want to squeeze in another 'power fantasy' class to Arcane Legends.

That said, a "Cursed" Class would be interesting. Some Class that comes with a host of debilitating debuffs and long-term disadvantages. Inability to use weapons of Mythic or Arcane quality. Limits on Pet Usage. Hard nerf to possible gold; luck capped at 0% - that kind of deal. It wouldn't be Hardcore so much as just "HARD" to play and could incorporate a slew of new super-valuable AP's since doing literally anything for that Character would be a Legendary feat. Indeed it seems like all AP's for that sort of character would get a base multiplier of 1.25 or 1.5X :-)
I understand Cinco

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