Quote Originally Posted by Irreflexivo View Post
I thought a better idea.
1.Allow players to spam items but if it's identical just stack it on auction.
2.Allow players to choose how many items they actually want to purchase.

So, if you only want x998 items you can, instead of having to buy everything. But now we won't see x999 individual items from one player.
The actual problem is, that you can have 1 player filling 250 pages of auction. This can be exploited to deceive players into thinking an item is worth less than it actually is. Because of how long it takes to see the previous prices for this item. Current resources allow us to search for higher quantities, like x999, but it's not sufficient, because if we want a lower amount with a better price, it won't show up until you scroll those 250 pages. This was heavily abused on Egg hunt, but it happens less intensely with other items.