Quest: missing pieces and completing the armor (side quests)
Issue: uler/vili/himi lvl 26 and 31 items are barely present in game ,for hc mode practically impossible to complete. It's a very rare loot in elite crates and moreover need to loot your own class too. Additionally it's considered aps to,very outdated content.
Quest: evidence of forbidden technology (side quests)
Issue: the whole quest line requires full antignome set which is hard to find these days especially very hard for hc mode, this one as well outdated content.
Quest: secret lab and script of ancient technology
Issue: the whole quest line requires banished pieces that are hard to get, practically non existing, and script takes a lot time to farm and actually loot it. This outdated questline should be either reviewed (to make it easier to get the pieces)or removed

I'll appreciate your consideration for these suggestions

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