Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
We realize that our dedicated players grew very attached to dominating Hedourah in only a few seconds and running EZG for hundreds of waves - but this is / was ultimately not good for the game as a whole.

And yes we understand that the old setup for Hedo and EZG was good for those of you who farm gold and are excited by the idea of constant, near infinite gold. Furthermore we know that any changes to affect this in any way will be seen as a horrible turn for the worse. Unfortunately, from time to time we need to make adjustments to the game that affect gold inflow.

We certainly could have nerfed the gold directly but history teaches us that this method is tremendously unpopular. The last time we did it the forums discussion turned to the more viable option of beefing up enemy statistics (since you have friends, gear, pets and other means of overcoming this 'nerf').

On the specifics...

Hedourah's previous stats were simply not suitable for the 'last boss' of the game. His updated health pool is much, much larger and IMO entirely appropriate for the 'final' Level 86 boss. Nevertheless we are still seeing our top players crush him in way less than a minute (just over 30 sec.) and the average player in less than two. I'm fine with it staying this way and I don't think Hedourah needs to be any tougher. I also know that you and your friends are going to get stronger and the times we are seeing today are likely to be 2x (or higher) than what we'll see in a matter of a few weeks.

EZG was broken at higher waves. It failed to appropriately increase monster statistics as you got further and further along. We fixed this. Good news here is that the level of challenge we desire for our periodic 'gauntlet' style events should be a lot more challenging and competitive. Obviously the bad news for players who endured the hundreds of waves for gold farming is that the difficulty now ramps up as it was intended.

As for what is next...

Given the speed at which Hedourah is dying to players and groups it is very unlikely that his stats will be changed.

The max waves for EZG are still multiples of the planned content (as you know there really are only 15 waves) but now they are working as expected. Given this it would be reasonable for us to consider a way to increase gold payouts for reaching these higher and more difficult waves. There's nothing like that right now but I will look into it. I won't be adding a new game system just to bring back the old 'way too much gold' rewards; but something that makes it more worthwhile for the increased difficulty does make sense.

Best wishes
So you say we should all go back to eraha ok i guess.