Quote Originally Posted by kikemm17 View Post
As a dedicated player of Arcane Legends, I have appreciated the diverse classes and strategic PvP dynamics the game offers. However, recent updates have introduced significant imbalances, particularly in PvP combat, rendering the game frustratingly unplayable. The introduction of new weapons, such as the Chain of the Star Beast and the Rusk Dynamo Night Saber Blade, has heavily favored warriors, creating an unfair advantage. Facing off against a warrior wielding the Chain of the Star Beast ALWAYS results in defeats, undermining the need for skill and strategy in battles. All a warrior needs to do to kill is mindlessly spam weapons attacks to kill its opponent, without the need of any skill. Additionally, the continuous buffs warriors receive, including the 4.5-second heal shield immunity and significant damage reflection bonuses on new items, exacerbate the issue. In contrast, mages struggle with underwhelming abilities and damage output, as is the orb, it does no damage to warriors whatsoever, widening the gap between classes and making PvP battles feel unbalanced and unenjoyable. I have made a compilation of videos of me and my friends from various occasions, showcasing the feedback I'm providing. Every mage that plays PvP knows this reality, and it's not just them; even warriors acknowledge the overwhelming advantage they possess... Urgent adjustments are necessary to restore balance and fairness to PvP gameplay. Whether through buffs to mages or adjustments to overpowering warrior abilities and weapons, I ask the developers to please address these issues promptly to prevent the decline of Arcane Legends' PvP community. Thank you!

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