"So, an hour into a two-week event and you're expecting the highest rarity eggs? Let's do the math and assume you receive one per hour, that's 24 per day for two weeks or 300+ Heroic/Arcane/Arcanite eggs per player. "

So this is the reason why the drop rate is terrible? You want us to farm 5 hours and up to get 1 heroic/arcane that's worth 400k-1m? That's ok if the portal is free but no its not.. portal is worth 10 plat for 1 hour or 750-900k gold. for 5 hours 50 plat or 3.7m-4.5m you are lucky if you loot a good price arcane/heroic but there's a lot of cheap and trash heroic/arcane this event is not an investment to run but a gamble and the more you run then the more you lose plat/gold, compared to past egg zavier event..

Old- Only 1 lix per pt, drop rate is good, enjoyable to run, better for pet aps..

New- need 1 lix per person and the drop rate is terrible, frustrated to run, feed back are all negative..