Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
Any system that is exploitable will be exploited. This speaks to a bigger challenge that I'd love to hear your thoughts on.

We obviously don't want to give away huge amounts of plat because it is our source of revenue. We do, however, want to encourage you guys to come back on a regular basis.

What would be a set of awesome, non-exploitable rewards that would not ruin the economy (like gold) or our revenues (like platinum)?

Thanks Snakes for broaching the subject!

- g
Very simple, eliminate plat entirely from blessings. But instead give some more vanities, but not goofy rediculous looking ones. I know techno loves weird items and stuff, but for more serious gamers we just don't use them and they are pretty useless. How about some new vanity shields, but ones that people would actually want to wear as their regular shield. How about some vanity shields to match the very popular dragon sets? One in each color. Or how about some nice vanity armors. What we don't need is more vanity helms -- plenty of those already exist. Also, you could make some more variety to the elixirs. How about instead of just xp, armor, dmg, and combos, you could make a speed elixir (just increased speed for a day), or a luck elixir (just 30% luck for the day).

Also, maybe you need to put a limit on how many toons someone can have in one account. I just have a single toon, and have never made another. I realize that some people want to have a few, but having 30 or 50? That's just crazy and not useful for any other reason than to exploint the game in one way or another. Some people got toons to farm twink items -- an exploit of the game in my opinion. And now people making toons just for the daily blessing? Ugh!! Try playing fairly for once. I guess nobody actually wants to compete in this game on a level playing field.

Obviously way too late to implement this idea, but the idea of the stash should never have existed. The purpose of making a new toon is to play the game with that toon, not for that toon to be a "helper" to your main toon. If their was no stash, and each toon was self sufficient and no sharing between toons, then none of these crazy issues would exist.