Hello everybody!
My first post in this forum comes with a couple of ideas about pets.

First idea: happiness bonus and arcane ability could also increase when pet levels up

Example: Malison
happiness bonus gives +20 Str, +20 Dex, +20 Int, and +5% Crit.
dragon cry increases dodge chance by 15% for 5 seconds

Applying my idea could change things like this:

Crit % could increase by 0.2 every level
Stats bonus could increase by 1 point every 5 levels
dodge chance could increase by 0.5% and 0.1s every level

If I do math correctly, a lv21 Malison would give

happiness bonus: +24 Str, +24 Dex, +24 Int, and +9% Crit.
dragon cry increase: dodge chance by 25% for 7 seconds

Those numbers are obviously just an example: every pet should be well investigated in order to avoid too strong/unbalanced animals.

Second idea: adding pets to the auction system
I read a proposal of "re-egging" pets, but my idea is to sell pets directly.
This could lead some benefits:

Pets leveled up (using the modification I proposed earlier) could be sold at higher prices
A player could buy a pet in order to level it up and sell it back in the market
A new kind of player could arise: the animal trainer/merchant

That's all