Hi, I know this thread is from 2012 and that y'all don't like it when people dig up threads like this (necro is the appropriate term I think?) but I figured I'd do it anyway for 2 reasons:
1) I have to have posted 10 times before being able to create a thread, and I don't really want to post crap everywhere just to be able to do that.
2) I have a similar question, and therefore thought it was relevant to use this thread.

Anyways, I started playing AL a couple weeks ago. I have a lvl23 warrior but decided to stop using him and create a rogue instead, as I've heard warriors aren't that good at farming and would end up being somewhat useless in the long run. I am planning on buying 600 plat while the plat sale's going on, and I was wondering what I should buy with them. What would you do? Keep in mind, I would like the 600plat to fulfill my entire Arcane Legends "carreer", so 600 is all I'm going to get for the time I'm playing this game! I'm obviously planning on buying that champion's bundle (well, Orc bashing bundle, but aren't they exactly the same?) for 70 plat once I reach L20, but what else should I get? Should I keep the plat? Should I also buy the jumpstart bundle for additional gold and cs slots?

I thought I'd also tell you all what my goal is in this game, if that can help you give me better advice on what to buy/do. I plan on making a 0 death Rogue -- at least I'll try to -- and get as many kills as possible (so power leveling to 46 for plats isn't in my interest).

Thanks for your help, and I hope you won't hate me too much for the necro :*

Ps: I'm called 'Outling' in-game