Its a unfair advantage in late level pvp, and lower level pvp. Its like an extra ring. Especially now that vanity bonus is gone for vanity slot. If you want to show off that you are a founders iis completely fine, sts keep the vanity but take off the bonus. Lets take a inside look into the Founders helm Dilemma.

The Cause:
Founders helm vanity has caused many people to sell/buy their founders account for money. So basically those who are breaking sts rules are getting an advantage in pvp. This is not what founders was intended for. It has caused endless debate in-game and controversy in tournaments. It has caused turmoil amongst all players especially for lower-levels. It has caused people to brag and even make founders only guilds. It has caused many to look the same. Founders helm is STASHABLE. Which allows the user to switch it out between all their toons, giving an advantage to every toon they possess and not their main char in which they first created the account with.

End level Stats:
Although 5 damage 5 armor 5 dps may seem like nothing, this is simply not the case. Combine 5 damage with a crit, it turns into 10 damage. Mages crit 100 percent of the time when fully buffed. With 10 spell attacks, you are doing an extra 100 damage. Now consider 5 armor. This 5 armor takes into effect immediately even before a crit. Causing up to 100 damage less when you consider end-level crit with every 10 attacks. Now consider 5 dps. Add crit to that dps. With every 10 attacks in dps you are doing an additional 100 damage. This is the issue we are dealing with in end-level pvp. Final result is you are looking at a total of an additional 300 damage/damage saved in a normal encounter in late level pvp. I wont even discuss early level pvp because as we all know founders helm is more of a nuisance creating even more of a advantage to the user

The fake people:
I can assure you people will read this thread, and want to act like a total tough guy claiming it doesnt make a difference, or they can beat founders, or how to get over it, or how they dont care blah blah blah. Well im not over it, and neither is a majority of players.We have to consider the facts at hand, which is without a dought founders helm is a unfair advantage at all levels of pvp. The other people against this thread that will disagree are those who have founders. Rightly so, they want to keep the bonus, so they will claim how they never wear the helm when in actuality they do. Time has passed and people stopped complaining, the founders people were happy. Until again when they have to defend their bonus stats.

If we are to reward people with an advantage in pvp, why not reward those in leaderboards with the same advantage? Why not reward those who have spent more time in PL (600 hours+)? Why not reward those who have spent more plat then anyone else.(When i say reward I mean reward in a pvp vanity bonus, not some useless statless vanity gear) I dont see why this is only an exclusive item for those who merely happened to make an PL account. This type of logic only puts the rest of us behind. There are others who have put in more dedication, time and commitment then founders players, yet recieve nothing in return as far as pvp advantage. There is also many who have a founders but never created an account at the deadline. How did this happen? What is going on here sts? I believe this is a small step in balancing all levels of PVP.

So this is my story and im sticking to it. If anything I feel better now that I vented, but I really hope a change is near. I hope for everyone to have the same oppurtunity in low level pvp and late level pvp. Yes this is a dead topic, but it is a dead topic in which EVERYONE is effected. It is a topic in which many of us feel left out and unappreciated. I find founders helm to be unjustifiable and a setback to PL.Since STS is now promoting the idea of "nomore bonuses for vanities", I think now is a better time then ever to bring this situation to the table and find a solution.