Quote Originally Posted by Nutstomper View Post
Hey Kenoon I am pretty sure you are referring to me, if not I apologize. My IGN is Nutstomper and indeed was guildless and have the stats and skills you reference. I've seen you run Jarl many times and have positioned myself at an angle to most tanks to see what kind of threat output I can muster with a non "tank" build.

I can attest that CS is NOT a taunt skill. It does stack threat but will not get a mob to turn immediately unless you are at the threat thresh hold. As for "spamming" skills, I can assure you there is a rhyme and reason to the order in which I execute skills. Usually the only times I lose aggro is against a Warrior who is using Juggernaut, and even then only for half the duration of a dps cycle.

Anyhow, just stopping by to say hello. And to add my two cents:
-CS+WW is generally enough to hold aggro even against lifethief rogues with NO OTHER taunts if your two other skills are well chosen and executed. This held true for me personally even at 88-93 base damage. CS also seems to me to add more threat when it actually cancels an attack.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt, although keep in mind that I own half the leaderboards now
ur build resembles me exactly.
CS; WM ; HoR nd Venge Blood. only my base dmg is 70 nd bonus dmg% is 202%.
well CS only tends to keep aggro if nd only if u use charged CS otherwise. other warriors or rogue pull aggro from u.