I figured since they once have done this in SL I guess I want to do it here and see who are the richest ppl? I see ppl saying that weapons they have are worth 900k and all that stuff like its normal... And I have to be honest, as much as I would like to be as rich as you guys, it seems like you guys spend way too much time farming and stuff to actually get there which to me seems like it literally is too much work that I might not be willing to put in. I'm currently close to 15k... Lol I just want to see who is the richest out of all the players here and maybe hear some advice, because to become wealthy here to me isn't the same as in SL... There are a lot more items in this game that I honestly can't keep track of the ah without writing it down... I made a few mistakes buying overpriced items and now I'm literally afraid of buying anything off of there and probably just gonna save up until the right moment comes to spend some cash on actually useful items, which might be the next Lvl cap raise.