So after a lot of trial and error and a lot of re-specs I have found the skill setup and rotation that seems to work for me. It's good for clearing groups and also single targets.

(2) Shadow Piercer - Leading Dagger (Good multiple target damage dealer)
(3) Razor Shield - Whirling Razors, Increased Duration (Dodge bonus and 8 secs of dmg makes this a nice skill)
(5) Aimed Shot (Keeping the +crit -enemy armor buff stacked is vital and makes for some seriously hard hits)
(2) Shadow Veil - Shadow Absorption (Very nice group damage buff, always charge as it effects the smoke area size)

For passives I have 5 points in Dex and 5 in Int. I could have went crit or dmg but with AS buff the crit is high enough and I was doing good dmg before passives were
implemented. The Int allows me to not only use less pots but it makes my rotation more efficient by not having to focus on potting or going oom and potting before being able
to continue my skill rotation.

Skill Rotation (If I put an * before the skill it means I'm charging it)

So when fighting groups of mobs I'll lead with a quick AS to start the crit buff. Then I drop *SV and Razors followed by AS and *SP with a couple quick auto attacks to fill in
the empty space. I keep that rotation going until we are clear, re-drop smoke and razors if it comes down to it. Just remember to keep that AS crit stack going.

For bosses I'll drop *SV and Razors followed by AS spam to build up crit stack. I throw auto attacks in between here also. Once I have full crit stack I go between AS and
auto attacks until boss is dead. Also re-drop smoke and razors as needed. I used to put a quick SP on boss but SP is so inconsistent most of the time it just hits the boss
but every now and again it will shoot across the room and pull more mobs. If you have an awesome group that isn't a problem, if you don't have a really good group then
its not a good idea

So yeah been playing for about 3 weeks or so and this is the setup I have finally rested on. Looking forward to hearing some comments from you guys as well as any
suggestions for improvements or your own personal playing style.