How most of the threads talk about "sorceror this", "rogue that". I guess I really picked the wrong class, warrior!
lol! Not a lot for most of us big guys on here.

I run a lot of Pick Up Games and I am capped so people that join me are L20-L21.
With all the threads of info for the other classes, you would think I would get plenty of runs with heavy hitters and jarl going down quickly, but nooooo that's not the case. I will admit it happens occasionally, and those rogues or mages are awesome, but the vast majority of the people in PUGs do less damage than I do! I mean come on, with the wealth of info on here and in game, you would think that my occasional 650 crit hit would be eclipsed more often by a rogue or sorceror. Most games I join I am doing the most damage per normal hit at 250+. Heck sometimes my 75 damage hits are the biggest that pops up.

I feel like an SL engineer. All this buffness for nuthin!