I know there have been a lot of posts about the locked watch chests and how warriors and sorcerers are not happy with the stats but I just want to add a little perspective and I hope this will be looked either for future updates or generally.

So part of the idea of these chests was that they functioned in three ways, you can spend platinum to open them and get a guaranteed pink item (which also helps STS with funding) these items can then also be sold or traded so that the player also gets something back when he/she levels and they become redundant or they were not for your class in the first place - this in turn gives access to the items for players without platinum so they are not left out. Also players can sell the chests outright and get gold that way and the chests are are constantly available for those with platinum that want to open them and are not so lucky with drops.

Firstly I must say that this was a very good idea, in theory it works on all levels so no one is left out and STS makes some moneyz.. Where this all falls down is that because the items stats are not good for both warrior and sorc. there is very little incentive for those classes to unlock the chests in the first place. The problem now is all the way through he system, the item stats are not good so why open it, if u open it anyway and sell it you only get small amount of gold back so even less incentive to open as you are not guaranteed the item you want. Then in the secondary market they are so cheap everyone can buy it, if they don't mind sacrificing their stats for looks, but because everyone can buy even the novelty aspect it gone.

So if the only reason to open the chests is for the looks - which are awesome BTW (well done) - or initially the novelty so why not make them vanities? As they are much nicer looking for rogue and warrior than latest vanity sets.

If this sounds like a complaint please don't take it as such, it is hopefully constructive criticism. You should be looking to increase the incentive to open chests not decrease it with bad class stats. :-)

I also wonder why rogue gets good class specific stats but wars and sorcs don't? Not that I'm complaining as rogue is my main..

Thanks for listening.