Hey everyone!

Seems we've gained some interest on the forums. People wanna know, what's this The Happiness, The Sadness, The Daftness thing I keep reading about?

Well, we're giving you the opportunity to find out! Just make a The____ness toon and then PM us in game or on forums.

What if you're happy in current guild? Don't want to leave it? Don't!
Make a new identity for yourself, come have some fun! We promise to keep your name a secret, if you please.

Those who have seen us in town know we don't hold back. We also do some endgame farming, and that's always a riot as well! We have started a private forum recently and trust me when I say the truly random stuff will come out there!

So, if you want to bring Pocket Legends back to life and have some fun, come join <Smile>!

The____ness names are going quickly, make yours before someone else does!