Quote Originally Posted by finnman View Post
In PvE Rhinos are tanks. They can survive a lot longer than a bear and can control mobs too. In PvP bears have to first make rhinos lose all mana before they can kill. Birds can kill rhino easily and mages can too. But in PvE Rhino is best class if you just buy 2000 mana potions sometimes
I agree rhinos can tank pretty well. However, I don't see them surviving better than bears in my experience, at least in PvE. I personally am much more effective at staying alive on my bear than my rhino, although maybe that's just because I've played my bear much more. But I think one key reason bear beats rhino as tank is the higher health and better defensive buffs. I can survive a lot of boss super wipe attacks on my bear that one-shot my rhino. Again, maybe I'm just not playing my rhino to its full potential, but my sense is the rhino needs pretty perfect timing with using its short defensive buffs whereas bear has longer-lasting buffs that are more forgiving against huge damage outputs.