Quote Originally Posted by Syylent View Post
Scripting or macroing has been around forever. Basically it is pressing one key (or mouse button - gaming mice have this built in) to issue a set of commands. Something like hitting the 9 button will press button one.. .0001 second later press button 2. .0001 seconds latter hit button 3 and so forth and so on. It is also used in regular pc use to automate tasks. It can be simple and complicated depending on what you are doing.

There is no reaction time.. the computer does it for you. I use a transformer tablet. I can let loose aimed, nox and dash.. more or less the same time ( why a lot think we one shot kill but it is really 3).. sometimes nox will fire a lot of time it doesn't register. I think you do the same from fighting against you, but I can always be wrong.

Scripting macro is not necessarily a cheat. Say for someone who has a disability (one arm) this enables them to play. Granted it gives them an advantage but doesn't leave them at a disadvantage. If they make the script macro right, then no one can really know. Since it is client side I am not sure they really can do anything except make sure a gcd kicks in.
thank you good guy syllent! yeah i noticed a lot of rogues shot 3 arrows in a row in one instant but not so often do i see them tho.nah, i dont do these stuff.i dont even have any clue about it and i dont have a good pc to play with.i also have this running problem using the keyboard.i tried pvp'ing once in laptop and i died a lot of times without killing anybody