Remember back when there was just pve.... remember the lbs in pve kills were dominated by warriors (minus patrick)...remeber when other classes complained warriors were too powerful and could kill multiple people... and that this was unfair (pve really? We are a team), and than remember how one update every warrior went down in dps and damage, and rouges and mages shot up like fast forward to rouges are too powerful, can kill anything that walks, the kill count is ridiculous, (just how warriors pve count was) and the solution to that? ?? Lets nerf the warrior some more, get rids of their mana, and make them have higher mana output...our best skill has highest mana output, rouge best skill has the lowest mana output.. they took ourbest skill and made it unusable, and made it to where they can't kill anything. ...we went from killing everything to nothing. ...I remember a time we were nerfed for pve.....; (