This is somewhat of a trading question but im not buying or selling anything so im not putting this in the trading sub forum

Anyway can i ask for a list/ or partial list that encompasses all the beggining titles of superior legendary items for all classes

For example:
items that start with "clever", or "lifethief" or "agile" etc are many times more valuable then most other regular legendary weapons (items that begin with "agile) theyre a better class of legendary weapons)

Im sure like many other traders; i tend to put in a word like "clever" or "bone" in the search bar in the auction place, so i can find very good items hoping on of them will be on sale for a very low price (so i can turn it around and sell it for more)

Im not expecting one person to come here and list every single title, but hopefully it will simply build on until i/ and other traders have most or many