Quote Originally Posted by dsantoz View Post
Sorry to barge in this discussion... but you get:

- A game
- Online suport
- Online servers
- Most of the things are acessible trough gold or other options
- Mobility (iphone, android, pc)

And all this is for FREE... but you still complain... LOL... i don't get it... and i had tis dicussion with a friend of mine... if there's no real money involved... how do you expect the game to survive? Platinum players are a necessity... and since they are expending their real money they expect advantages...

Anyway that's only my two cents on the matter,

I can't agree with you more. This game can be played for free if you choose to. The only real advantage of platinum players is they save time by paying for elite mines/locked chest.

All of the arcane/mythic items can be obtained from elite golden chest. There are only a few platinum exclusive pets and their stats aren't great enough to give unfair advantage to platinum players.

And seriously, if you like the game enough to care about drop rate and arcane/mythic items, maybe you should support STS by buying some platinum or doing some free platinum offers. I understand there might be people who can't buy platinum or some countries don't get the free platinum offers, but the rest of you should show them some support (if you really the game).

I think kids nowadays are just used to the idea of "free" content through pirate and torrents and they forget that nothing is really "free" in the real world.

FYI, I've only spent about $10 on platinum when I first played game to show my support, and did a few free platinum offers, and I've never open a locked chest, so I am not really a big platinum player.