I've been playing AL for 4 months, my IGN is Kuazzae i'm a sorcerer lv 30 mainly PVE, i decided to create a guild, at first just for my family and friends, but now i would like to expand the family

I've got 2 officers, Mantix and Yasmiine, we are not TOP Elite players yet, this has been "live and learn".

What do you think it takes to build a create a great guild? How should i invite new players without imposing or being anoying?

I think that a Guild it's mainly a big family with members avaible to help or to make runs, etc... but i would to know some common rules, as a GM i'm online every day but not 24/7.

I'm portuguese so players that speak portuguese or english are more than welcome.

Thanks in advance.

PS: We have the Shadow Hall