Hi all! Some of you know me, some of you don't... probably should know me though. I recently received a permanent-ban which I feel is unjust, but I am well aware bans should not be discussed on the forums so I will say no more. Anyways I emailed support about three weeks ago at this point, possibly a few days less than three, and they responded within two-three days. This waiting period was fine and I received the expected response. I replied to the ticket hoping to defend my case, that was about two weeks ago. When no response had come within four days I emailed once again with the same defense... neither email has received a reply. In my experience (since the beginning of pl) support has never taken this long to get back to me. Am I wrong about the waiting period and should I just keep waiting, or give up and start looking for a new hobby? Thanks for your time,

~ Doogy